You will never believe what happened! Driva found a treasuremap, about a month ago. Being inteligent beyond meassure I quickly found out where to dig: at Land's End Beach, south Tanaris. I came there, finding the sands crowded with all kinds of bones - troll, human, elf, orc. Of course that doesn't scare Determined Driva.
I got my landmarks and started digging — only to be jumped by twenty fierce pirates! Driva fought valiantly, but was outnumbered by one or two, and when I
screa told them about my fame and rich loved ones, they bound me down and held me for ransom.
A whole month they held me, and fed me nothing but turtle and salt water. Their leader, Cuergo, was all smug and thought he was better than Driva, but one night I proved him wrong. I escaped my bounds and
stabbed him in the bac challenged him to a duel. We fought for a good hour before Driva the Decimator put a brutal but valiant end to Cuergo.
Long story short, I took his treasure and swam with it on my back half a league to the main land.
Oh it was good to see friendly faces again! Thank heavens I'm home. I'll never eat another turtle in my life.