I've been to a ball! My very first ball! At Stormwind Keep. A masked ball it was, and Driva came as the famous beauty Klemtwiss Whimwinkle, known amongst all (decently educated) gnomes for her courage and compassion. I don't think anyone else got the reference though, and that's a shame.
We had a bit of a pre-party, waiting for everyone to show up. You know how awkward those are.
The guild paid for the booze, and even though it soon became evident no more would attend the party, no one present became overmuch depressed now with all the extra ale around.
Things are a bit hazy, but I think there was a conga train through the Trade District and someone had the bright idea to take a dip in the canals, and well...
We who surfaced continued the ball under the bridges.
Zyr's the one who arranged all this. I think that's Touch jumping in the water... I also think it's Touch I embarrased myself in front of the other day.
Fireworks! Lots of them! Driva'd been making fireworks all day yesterday and it turned out that Zyr already bought somewhere else, so there were firepower in abundance. That's me mechanical squirrel in front.
Conga train went to a nearby village. We found a kitty there.
This stupid man challenged Driva to a duel! He got what was coming for him he did!
We went to a combined murloc hunt and diving outing and found that murlocs have great trampolines!
Cathing our breaths after bath.
Post party! Wohoo! Even kitty knows how to boogie!
A few brave souls held out in a pub in the Dwarven District.
All in all one of the best evenings in Driva's life!
1 comment:
Hi Driva! Meelai's just passing through, keep up the fun! See you soon ;)
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