Yaarrr can join Captain DeMeza's crew fer a day 'n get yer own piraty outfit, with no dirty deck swabbin 'quierd. Captain be tharr lass and no tha squiffy brute with thar piece.
[Madeleine]: Perhaps ye wan ta hear de story o' me piraty sel.
[Driva]: Yer piraty sel?
[Madeleine]: Aye de pirate parrot tale.
[Driva]: Arrh.
[Madeleine]: Ye see it all started when ah rescued dis feller from cpativatin.
Madeleine points at Hawk Owl.
[Madeleine]: An then ah come ta join de pirate federatin and dey say:
[Madeleine]: Dat be no parrot.
[Madeleine]: Sos ah when out and found dis un,
Madeleine points at Green Wing Macaw.
[Madeleine]: an when ah brought dis un back
[Madeleine]: dey say yes dat be a parrot but it no be rare enough, we see dozens oh dem.
[Madeleine]: Sos off ah trot again.
[Driva]: Arrh.
[Madeleine]: An ah fine dis one in de dead woods.
[Madeleine]: When ah finally return wi it dey say yes dat be a fine parrot.
Driva cheers at Madeleine.
[Madeleine]: BUT... ye when an rescied it,
[Madeleine]: ye aint cruel enough ta be a pirate!
Driva looks blank.
[Madeleine]: so wha ah did was a when an set fire ta it!
[Driva]: Oooooh!
Driva cheers at Phoenix Hatchling.
[Driva]: That be a fine parrot!
[Madeleine]: De be no complainin afterward!
[Driva]: Yaaarrr!