We never talk much, Wiz and Driva, but I asked him if he was from Dun Morogh, and he was. Said he was glad to be gone from there since it was too cold, among other things. Driva thought that the cold wouldn't be a problem when Wiz had a burning horse, and he says: "Yeah i stick him in the fireplace to keep the room warm."

When we arrived, Aerthaden goes: "Last time I was here, the ghost of Uther appeared."
"What!?" goes Driva, "Scary!"
"More surreal than scary"
Wizbit cuts in, "Here ghosty ghosty!" whereupon Driva giggles and Xéniá laughs out loud.
"Don't think he'll come just because you ask him to," says Aerthaden.
"Worth a try."
At this point in the conversation, High Priest Thel'danis announces: "Be welcome, friends!" and behold, right in front of our eyes, the ghost of Uther appears! I bet he doesn't for every pilgrim. Look, he's hovering in the air in front of his statue!
Driva is going to have a statue when she's gone, only ten times as big as the Lightbringer's.
1 comment:
Aww too bad I missed that. (Even thou I made it earlier with the Trailblazer guildies). R-rider
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