Thursday, February 26, 2009

(( I never could find a good way to publish the chat logs from my gaming sessions, so now I put them in one place at All fish jokes explained. ))
Sunday was Booty Bay fishing contest. Driva got a bad start and lost with four fishes. Zyr came late when it all was over. Zhaliker got drunk, waved his fishing pole on top of a table, engaging us in a wild dragon story only to later drop unconscious at our feet.

I won't talk about Old Ironjaw.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Was I really this young? Look at those innocent eyes. Oh papa, Driva has come long way from home.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Driva and Zyr got invited to that knights house, Zhalikher is his name. He and another fellow argued endlessly about the Lich King and about saving a friend of Blazér's (another man we met in Goldshire). I thought I'd cry in the end.

I escaped with Brougham to Lion's Pride, and look who showed up later if not the death knight and his partner in squabbling. Imagine my surprise when the death knight started dancing and challenged me to a drinking duel. The man might be worth talking to after all... A good drinker he was too. Cheers to that!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Zyr brought me to the Caverns of Time. Outside there were two dragons, and I thought that was sweet. Then there was another one at the entrence, one who talked to us! And inside... Buildings in the stone, people frozen in time, a huge hourglass, night elf technology and the most beautiful moon I have ever seen. Well, perhaps second after the full moon in Dun Morogh...

When we came back to Tanaris we got hugged by a tiny blood elf, and later in Goldshire tavern a creepy but kind of nice and talkative death knight told us the Stormwind king was bad that thought we should fight blood elves. I think the death knight was right, but I didn't want any guard to hear us.

Later me and Zyr just sat silent by the lake in Goldshire, and after a while Brougham joined us.

Might have been one of the best days in my life so far.

He is real! He exists! I caught him, I caught him, Driva caught him! I was fishing in Ironforge, and suddently he took my expertly chosen bait. Zyr came to celebrate and then we fished some more together.

Last weekend, in the spur of a moment, I jumped onto a ship to Northrend. I explored some around the Borean Tundra and then flew to Dalaran. Driva loves Dalaran! I'm actually thinking of moving there, even when I like Ironforge as much as I do. Driva will think about this.

Arriving at Valiance Keep. The last leg of the trip went through huge polar ice sheets. The air was crispy cold and Driva did get a sense of coming home right away. Snow and Ice are part of Driva as much as heart and tummy.

Look at this! Northen Lights!

In the cave path between Dragonblight and Storm peaks I found this skeleton piece of a dragon. Can you conceive its living size?

The Gryphons flight path to Dalaran, through Storm Peaks.

I admit I forgot to take pictures of any Dalaran site except for the Toy shop. I know! But Driva is a grand master engineer...

Finally, I just have to show you this piece of art I found in the inn I slept in over the night. What is this, really? I don't know if I love it or hate it, but art is not Driva's area of expertise. Oh, and I changed my hair. Now that Driva is ambassador she thought she should look more important.
Driva fights a lot for the Alliance in Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Eye of the Storm. I mostly like the heat of battle, but sometimes it's nice to have a little picnic instead. Dustear agrees, she doesn't care much for fighting, she hides where she can, poor thing. Dustear is the rabbit, the night elf battle cat is Swiftypaw.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Now, as far as Driva is concerned the world is put right in order: Zyr is back. Just like that, "pop" out of nowhere. Beyond Redemption had a romantic picnic scheduled for Tueseday evening, and there she was, like no time had gone by at all. Silly Driva is dizzy with all sorts of feelings, love and happiness marching at the front. I'll spare you a detailed account of that and stay with reporting about the evening, with pictures of course!

Chiryo in blue, Meelai the one in ponytail, Raptre with a new haircut. Next to her Vigorat, also new hair, and above him Zyr. Cruo is tanning beside Driva in the top middle.

There she is. If I had no pictures I might have thought I imagined things!

We heard the King of Stormwind had come back, so we went to pay him our respects... or poke him. We met Kargonsa on the way, a tight mouthed sarcastic warrior from the guild.

Looks mean.

Oh noes! Chiryo poked the king! Driva doesn't want to be thrown into the Stockades!

We fled to Deeprun Tram and Ironforge.

This king I poked. He is nice. Doesn't throw you in horrible prison.

Long story behind this picture... We went to Gnomeregon, a second time for me. Maybe I'll mention it in a later note, we will see. Now it's time for bed.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Adventures in Nagrand! Driva and Brouham are busy busy these days. Killing demons, jumping on trampolines, flying dragons... No time to write!