Last weekend, in the spur of a moment, I jumped onto a ship to Northrend. I explored some around the Borean Tundra and then flew to Dalaran. Driva loves Dalaran! I'm actually thinking of moving there, even when I like Ironforge as much as I do. Driva will think about this.
Arriving at Valiance Keep. The last leg of the trip went through huge polar ice sheets. The air was crispy cold and Driva did get a sense of coming home right away. Snow and Ice are part of Driva as much as heart and tummy.
Look at this! Northen Lights!
In the cave path between Dragonblight and Storm peaks I found this skeleton piece of a dragon. Can you conceive its living size?
The Gryphons flight path to Dalaran, through Storm Peaks.
I admit I forgot to take pictures of any Dalaran site except for the Toy shop. I know! But Driva is a grand master engineer...
Finally, I just have to show you this piece of art I found in the inn I slept in over the night. What is this, really? I don't know if I love it or hate it, but art is not Driva's area of expertise. Oh, and I changed my hair. Now that Driva is ambassador she thought she should look more important.
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