Monday, April 27, 2009

Zyr came to me today. Stumbled with Zhalikher in tow onto me in Azure Watch if you can believe it. I thought she was hunting me down, but she wasn't; it was just coincidence. I think perhaps fate has linked us together... Or maybe that's my aching heart that's hoping.

We talked some. Not much. Zhal's wife died, and he tried to drown himself, so Zyr was following him around to make sure he was safe. He was a mess. Much like me I guess.

We went to the beach and Zyr told me something important, showed me more of herself. I told her something important too.

She said we'll be alright.

I so wish I could believe her.


Varberry said...

(( Dammit, you! I just want to give Driva a great big hug. XD Stop tugging on my heartstrings! ))

Anna said...

(( Haha, I feel so sorry for her myself my eyes keep watering up if I think about it xD ))