Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Party in Ironforge! That place is wicked.

I went to Exodar and got to ride an Elekk. I want me one of these! I shall persuade those high and holy draenei to sell me one.

Brougham sends salutations from Tanaris!

Driva was talking to this kind man in Auberdine when a bear appeared and started dancing. I tossed it a gold coin, it danced some more and fell asleep. Azeroth is the strangest place.

It has been hard, hard work, but finally Driva built a Mithril Mechanical Dragonling. It's a cute creature with fiery skills, and it sells well to other engineers. Driva will keep hers. Maybe I some day will learn how to make Milli Featherwhistle's Mechanostrider! Madeleine from the Trailblazers asked when it will be availible in supersize. That will be a nice thing to work out for the future.

I've been fishing a lot and lately Driva has felt that she needs to develop her skills. In this purpose she went to Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh. Mr Pagle is known throughout Azeroth for his skills with a fishing pole. Another kind man, Mimer from the order of Northern Lights, arrived soon to partake of the lessons.

By accident I later that day ran into Mimer in Ferelas, where he tried to catch a Ferelas Ahi. Driva had better skill and hauled in hers in her first throw. For all I know poor Mimer may still be there, trying to catch his.

Who uncovered this ghastly story? What monster did this? It's on top of the Stormwind barbershop!