Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dear Brougham,
It has been far too long since we last met. Driva has spent her time refining her skills as an engineer and building a fortune as gnomes are wont to do. However I have grown weary of the quiet existence and long for a Warrior's life of strife and glory.

I do wish you would join me on my forthcoming quest for fame, and I send you these tokens of power so you can be worthy of travelling by my fabled side.

My warmest regards,

P.S. The kitten has a strange penchant for toes.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I want one of these!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wh00t!? Look who I found in Ironforge? Do I have relatives papa never told me about? This lady refused to say a thing to me!

Zyr recruited me for some business about blowing something up, but I got lost in the confusion and never got to use my dynamite. Apperantly, the whole operation was a big embarrassing failure. I didn't mind since it was beyond nice to cuddle with Tokagoosa again!

Guild BBQ! I don't have the energy to write a lot about it, since I've been having a rather angry conversation with Settle regarding me supplying and her not delivering. I have some pictures from the event, I'll just show them to you.

Everything started in chaos as usual. Zyr's making a fire while Tokuto is cooking his head as the first dish. Nobody's impressed. Vigorat has his silly costume on, Raptre's all in sexy red. A typical guild event is about to begin!

Ok, so Vigorat is telling us this story about... well, nobody knows since he never gets past "Once upon a time."

Zyr's pressing Vig on some inconsistencies in his story while the rest of the audience acts hard critics.

Beyond Redemption should be renamed Brawls & Booze.

She is cute, isn't she? *blush*

This is Wizgig. He says he's been to Coldrige a long time ago, delivering some ale if he remembered correctly.

We found a dead troll! Or, at first we couldn't tell, since trolls are blue and smelly even when they're alive, but Drantil confirmed her present state as non-living. Poor thing. Or evil bitch, I don't know. Cute haircut in any case.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Driva is a good person and a fearsome warrior. I protect people who need my help. Services include, but are not limited to, escorting and body guarding. Let Driva's name travel the world!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Remember that nice draenei I was talking about; Settle? Well, I went to Darnassus to deliver some ore to her myself, and that was a journey longer than the one to Raven Hill, if not as dangerous. There was some trouble in the Wetlands, but Driva know more about how to defend herself nowadays.

Fen moss creeper I belive these are called. Most annoying creatures. Hides in pallid water.
This one was friendly and required some help.

Auberdine is a large port and important junction for travel in the west of Azeroth.

Darnassus has some immensely tall guardians. They were large even compared to Settle!

Unfortunately, she wasn't ready with any jewelry for me, so I have to return home and wait for her to ship it instead.

Posing pics, me and Settle.
You may now call me Legioneer Driva. Yes! You may! Driva has been promoted in Beyond Redemption. This happened on last guild meeting. There was a crazy afterparty, more crazy than the last mostly because of more attending members. They were pulling at Driva like hungry dogs over a bone! *snicker* Me is attractive after all, no matter that I'm short. Time to buy new dresses!

Cute kitty Toka! Zyr's always cute.

Naked draenei! Yey!

Drantil is tall. T, a, l, l, tall.