Sunday, August 9, 2009

Due to changes in real life, I have to quit playing Driva :( She was my first World of Warcraft character and has been with me through all the delightful discoveries that can be found in the game. I'm not sure I will miss her, but it breaks my heart to leave my guild. Them I will miss profoundly.

Word is that recently a gnome was seen single handedly taking on the scourge forces outside Mord'Rethar in Icecrown. Charging straight into countless enemies she was unheroically torn to pieces, taking only one solitary ghoul with her. There were no remains to recover, but nearby a young domesticated worg was found howling continiously. An argent champion tried to retrieve it but never could coax it into coming to her, nor get close enough to grab it. It is reported that the worg still roam the hills, keeping clear of scourge and alliance alike.

Thanks for reading!

Be well,

Friday, June 26, 2009

I woke up in the Salty Sailor tavern with a hardened resolve.

I will fight through this. If it means I will feel no human warmth against my skin for the rest of my life, so be it. She needs me, and I'll be brave.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My life as I imagined it will never come about. My heart is broken in a way I never could foresee.

I don't know where I will go from here.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Driva and Brougham killed their very first evil full size dragon! Awsome.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The story behind why Driva is in a murloc costume is too long to be told.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Driva has been talking for the longest time with a very beautiful person (but oh so tall!). I think we have become best friends because I told her so much, but she says she don't make friends, she listen to people like as if it was a profession. I think that's silly, you can't make a living listening (but you can make a living talking, Driva's met a lot of persons that make a living talking about dragons and queens and magical objects).

She makes me feel a lot better about myself and she says it's not my fault that my uncle and Zyr died (but I don't really believe her when it comes to Zyr because a lot of people said she in fact did die to save me and some friends), and most importantly Kiki (that's her name for short and I call her the short name because I like her and I think she likes me too) said that the evil feeling I had that I was happy my uncle died maybe wasn't so bad after all and even when I was sorry that someone who really loved me passed away maybe I wasn't so wrong in feeling relief too because some love can be oppressing and some love might not really be love at all (but I find that last statement very strange).

All in all Driva feels like she has started a new life and I don't drink anymore and I am grew tired of Azuremyst so I'm exploring the Borean Tundra where I like it very much. I run with Jimmy and miss Zyr very much so I'll go looking for her some day and hope she likes my new hair. Kiki says it's not realistic to think that I'm cursed so it made Zyr and uncle die because they said they loved me, because then it really must have been they who were cursed and not me, because they said it. It's perfect logic. And papa hasn't died even if he never actually said he loved me but I'm sure he does (he knitted me a sweater).

I'm full of life and full of love and it's all thanks to Kiki and no one can stop me now. She says we should talk some more but I don't see the point in that since I'm so happy now and don't want to talk about sad things anymore.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Zyr came to me today. Stumbled with Zhalikher in tow onto me in Azure Watch if you can believe it. I thought she was hunting me down, but she wasn't; it was just coincidence. I think perhaps fate has linked us together... Or maybe that's my aching heart that's hoping.

We talked some. Not much. Zhal's wife died, and he tried to drown himself, so Zyr was following him around to make sure he was safe. He was a mess. Much like me I guess.

We went to the beach and Zyr told me something important, showed me more of herself. I told her something important too.

She said we'll be alright.

I so wish I could believe her.