Saturday, February 21, 2009

Zyr brought me to the Caverns of Time. Outside there were two dragons, and I thought that was sweet. Then there was another one at the entrence, one who talked to us! And inside... Buildings in the stone, people frozen in time, a huge hourglass, night elf technology and the most beautiful moon I have ever seen. Well, perhaps second after the full moon in Dun Morogh...

When we came back to Tanaris we got hugged by a tiny blood elf, and later in Goldshire tavern a creepy but kind of nice and talkative death knight told us the Stormwind king was bad that thought we should fight blood elves. I think the death knight was right, but I didn't want any guard to hear us.

Later me and Zyr just sat silent by the lake in Goldshire, and after a while Brougham joined us.

Might have been one of the best days in my life so far.

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