Friday, September 5, 2008

Last night Driva and Brougham padded around Duskwood and killed meanies. It was so much fun! In the center of Duskwood there's a huge, round mountain range, and after some murderous gnome rampage in the graveyards Brougham goes: "Hey, what's in there?"

So, we sneaked up the mountainside, only to find this beautiful elven landscape with lamps and all. It felt almost like Teldrassil itself! Happy in our exploring we continued down the path, oblivious to all but the surrounding beauty.

Then Broom tugged at Driva's sleeve and I looked up and my heart almost stopped dead in my chest! A Dragon! A Dragon! My very first sight of a real life Dragon! Oh, such a beautiful, terrifying creature! The tail, the wings, the pointy nose!

I wanted to hug it but Broom thought we should leave.

There was a magical portal behind the dragon... Now, what's in there, Driva wonders?

Brougham is hiding behind a bush so I'm alone in the picture.

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